The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Appleton Post-Crescent 1 9 Thursday, April 18, 1957 street from W. Fifth street to' Eighth street and on the; south side of W. Sixth street Ceniennial Parade Talk from S. Walnut to Memorial! drive from 8 o'clock In the' lo Make Legal Parking Meiers Hit 0 Jail Terms Proposed For Excessive Speed UPi Mandatory 10 Contactors Told How to Avoid Mishaps Representatives Meet morning to 3 o'clock at night. Twe Others Voted Pointer has said the imposi to So-day Jail sentences for auiy- tion of parking restrictions up Monday (light on county courthouse employes is senseless in the" light of the campaign the city is conducting to attract a state office building here.

If parking Is one convicted of operating a motor vehicle faster than 89 miles an hour are provided, under a bill introduced Thursday in the assembly. Assemblyman Rihele, T3-Ath-ens, introduced the measure which proposed the same penalty for driving more than 80 Route Now Slated To Include Part of Wisconsin Avenue denied county employes, it 4 Aldermen Join K. Priebe Against Proposed Ordinance Eleventh ward Aid. Kenneth Priebe Wednesday night took another swing at parking me would be denied state employ es, too, he has said. Discussion of float cons true Two other ordinances, both With Power Company For Safety Briefing Twenty two representative! of sewer, water, lidewalk and other xcavation contracting ftrmi who bid on work in Ap- pleton, Neenah, and Menasha met recently to learn howl to avoid accidentally strikin up for the last time, were passed without question or dddosI- tion and the parade rout forj miles an hour at night- The the big opening day parade of 'present daytime speed limit is Appleton'a centennial nighttime 53.

The bill would tion this summer will le held not change these speed limits. Ii One bans parking at all times this Monday night Carl Peotter, parade mar ters on i y-owned parking lots. Long an opponent of meters on lots, Priebe got shal, said all civic, Industrial, 1 1 on both sides of E. Water i street, which now is a city truck route. The other puts 8-hour time limits "on the parking lots at I the northwest comer of N.

Di- natural gas mains. The meeting was arranged by j. dimxtimm innwn Ecavating Contractors Study Photographs showing examples of di2rine-eauiDmentihl pportuni GIVE YOUR SALADS' flavor Sparkle I vision street and W. Washing- 1 A A A Bryan, Neenah, and Meivin damage to underground gas facilities at a safety meeting Thursday night called by pub-ty 'hen 016 Noth, Menasha. The group metilic works directors of Appleton, Neenah and Menasha.

M. L. Lewis, gas department if. iLt Lfw! In th lnnl.Un i tt': a. ion su-eei, me nonneast corner of E.

Lawrence street and S. Allen street, the nnrthirt commercial and religioua organizations have been invited to attend the meeting at Monday night at city hall. Present plans call for a parade route which will include Wisconsin avenue. It will start at Roosevelt Junior High school and continue 'south on N. Morrison street to E.

Wisconsin avenue, then west on Wisconsin u.vcs ui utc umudgct ui isL-uuam iuitiugaa ruwer company, siantung ai leii, explains mat similar; legal the I use Wisrnnein XT I accidents can be avoided if contractors notify the utility before they begin to dig. of meters on K. Priebe corner of S. Morrison street presented for and E. Kimball street and be-An ordinance hind the Congregational church legal had been at the southwest comer of E.

some lots was the last time, making them neglected Lawrence and S. Oneida street. Inspector Grants Permits for Two More New Homes First be called for a separate vote on the proposed ordinance Mova TranturA Alderman Seeks More City Parks, Play Areas Al. H. Stoegbauer Would Have Council Reserve Small Tracts Within New Plats to N.

State street, south on N. State to W. College avenue and east on College to the dispersal area near Lawrence college. Peotter said -bis committee believes this route will give maximum spectator viewing Plans to Sell Two more new home permits recreation committee report. have been granted by Building; STi.

HHardwOre StOre "When working for the cities under contract you are, in a sense, a public servant just as we are," M. L. Lewis, the utility's gas department manager, told the contractors. "Protection of the public must be given first consideration In all your Lewis said. The utility executive pointed out that every one of the four recent and much publicized natural gas explosions in the southern part of the state were caused by digging equipment striking natural gas mains.

"Through your cooperation such accidents can be completely prevented In the Fox Cities," he said. The possibility of natural gas mains being ruptured by dig brine to 86 the number issued in an excused ahntee Raymond A. Bentz, named traffl5 problems. The parade is expect y. i With a "Touch l' lil o( Genfo-ue Joining Priebe in voting "no" wuiagamie county treasurer "no Appleton since Jan.

1. Tuesday by the county board, Thirteenth ward Aid. whlwere ed to be more than two miles long. Arrangements for the WIs- uatlons of the city In time of K. Schneider, Six uciaiu wuuuuj icvcncu Tnomat of them.

said today that he will sell his business, the Appleton Hard- A suggestion aimed at keeping the radio of recreation areas to total city area on an disaster. He seeks an ordinance teenth ward Aid. John Schu- One home will have B'S, iTZi ri A company, 425 W. College consi? venue routing for the to make the routes legal and I avenue, as soon as oossihle. iPraae were worked out be- nnlironhle.

Man and nrnnosed. mumj ana uwi BenU is working full time at tween the centennial committee even keel as Appleton an-n new rage, wui De ereciea i ii" ward Aid. Alvin Tews7 Vi finrf Vic "Vnrl CiH a A A ta a. ordinance were referred to the'. McDonald street in the Four-, A lands was welfare and recreation commit tee.

Eherhardt Plat teenth ward for about 114,000. When the proposed ordinance'' nahrdwrae 1 Peflm The other wiU include fivefwas foP bv his employes. BenU room, and a bath. It will be ati IZZ a whS to eU ,0 made Wednes daynight ging equipment to the- Fox hv to -I- un-" 162JN.McDonald street in peen-maoe the city coun ies was not as likely as in many aemz defeated lour cil. and other communities, Lewis point candidates for the treasurer ap- Washington ypt The United it'll it be $13,000, Fourth ward' law," pointment.

He -will serve thejStates Wednesday-ordered ones, were sent to tne city planning commission The final plats are the Mason-Taylor plat, on W. Taylor street unexpired term of Raymond Russian embassy employe to Akh Al H. Stoegbauer utner peiimts weiinor; Priebe Norman Ehle, who will install j' ed out. This was because natural gas mains frequently preceded sewer and water construction in other communities. Son-and gain said the city Feuerstein, named Appleton! leave the country Immediately city treasurer after Joseph Koxj for "highly improper activi-died.

ties' aimed at inducing Soviet Bcntz has served on the! refugees to return home. tanks underground at wagner Because of the restrictions on should bu n.d Sauer voted "no." east on N. Mason street and If Super Service, 202 W. Wisconsin reserve small tracts at certain showing about 23 lots, and the They weref joined by mtervals within new plats avenue. The tanks will be re- rl rv5 a as Schmidt plat, about a mile county board and was reelected! The state department said the to the board in the April elec-j Soviet employe, Gcnadl F.

Ma- eenth rourteentn fi.uiu, northeast of the northeast lim- they are submitted. Robert May, for remodeling; ward Ajd rov in i its nf the Htv at thp smithpnst inn IT in a Ir a Vtn bKIV a nl -U a. I w. Whn Ak'- me piais, ne saia, are "most-, th rpcidpnee at 538 corner of Mike road and reiiaente ui i oath of office so he could Lt. Peter Pirogov, who jn.tVlA rnnnlnrt tfi 4VtA nnn.

ir fin A Ducxln 1 A.I ...4 a iy resiuenuai ana unaeveiopea in the! street, to cost about $350. voted' proposed Third avenue luiuiiiis iui vuu tiuBn a ill i tnu. lu rriui i ii The the Soviet Union. niuiiiiru uuug.ds, 101 "present" on Pointer treasurer's post. town of Grand Chute.

Schmidt plat shows 30 lots, crnini inn it i dhthdb i "Present" votes mv nrsi vote The department said Ma- and' "a long way from any park of playground. As thepatted area buildsjip and is annexed, Stoegbauer The tentative plat is called. 2023 N. Bennett stree 'yes'J-votes. 27 British Servicemerr snKantrevlso tried lo get "others" to go back to Russia the Eberhardt plat.

It shows about about 70 lots at the southeast! The ordinance will become! di- law upon publicaUon In the! CrQsh would have the city equip the but gave no details on these small tracts with playground corner of W. Spencer street and Now NuCieor TfiSt other cases. Post-Crescent, probably on Sat- Nicosia (fl An official an- arl 0ni oVirvrvl iraH in tha tntuni equipment. LUISilCOi urday. Specifically, it names1 nouncement today said 27 Brit The tracts could be purchas of Grand Chute.

It is owned by Made OV RuCianS Aqaba airfield, was bound for ed every three or four blocks. I Howard H. Eherhardt the lots which are parking servicemen were killed in ter zones and officially lists the the crash of a royal air force time limits and charges. It kValetta transport plane yester- Washington The gov the RAF base at Habbaniya. ITALIAN ORES I NO Iraq.

"I He said he would buy "about 120 nnlnj Saturday Deadline for ernment said today that Rus- merely the converting to legal day at Aqaba, isolated British cin ttvrtlrtHoH tn Tnocr.av ft nil, I i leet on both phraseology that which already base In Jordan, New ADD etOn Dike laaS rlpar wpannn whirh wm "nnp practice. Twenty four of the casualties j. nt th'j laraocf thn tar in ihol lh sides of the street. The saiuraay is me last aay ior," Pointer was the lone alder were British army men. The man to vote against-" "passacecther three were- he RAF Greal Apptrlea'i Apptelsa's gr, a I a afnimrl APPieiOn Dlfycie Owners lO yt their new tags.

So far -aboutl Chairman Lewi, L. Strauss lp meni A nnrr, i 4 een i i tr tha atrtlYili annrcrtr frmmlc. and" pass" for an ordinance! crewmen of the transport. Iwarc lags nave peen would be ban parking on The plane, which crashed cmn calrl fhto U'Qa (ho accuruuiK vuitx 01 "children in me west side ot s. Walnut! shortly after takeoff from Herbert W.

Kapp. There are, in a series since April 3. Just about 6,000 bikes in the city, (last Saturday, he had announc-Police Traffic Lt. Harry Salz-'ed that four tests had been con- extending natural gas mains in Appleton, Neenah and Menasha, gas mains usually follow sewer and water installations. Thei likelihood of digging contractors striking gas mains is there fore reduced, he explained.

System's Plan A plan of WisconsinM ichj-J gan's entire gas distribution system was given to each con trading firm. L. A. Lenz Lewis assistant, told the contractors that Wisconsin Michigan Power company would stake out all gas mains in the vicinity of a contractor's work before he breaks ground. Locating of gas mains will be done without charge to the contractor.

"As a result of one recent explosion," Lenz said, "the digging contractor who caused the break in the main was held responsible and required to pay damages for the destroyed property plus the extensive cost cf repairing the break." Representatives of the Wisconsin Telephone company, Appleton engineering department, Menasha street department, and Menasha water and electric departments, as well as con tractors, attended. 11 New London Teachers Quit New London Resignations of 11 members of the New London Integrated school district fac-- ulty have been announced by P. M. Loofboro, superintendent of schools. The resignations are from seven high school teachers, two I junior high school teachers and two kindergarten teachers.

these areas." William Ertl, 1 enth -Li ward alderman1 man reP.orted a the ike own-jducted in the previous 10 IT'S TIME FOR ers continue coming in ai inei ouausa buu itooj woi mc Spring Check Up Of Your same rate, about 900 tags a day explosion was "at a site will be issued. Bikes are in-iin central Asia previously used spected for mechanical for such operations." tion at the police garage in the This was the eleventh test rear- of the ktation from 8 explosion reported by the AEC o'clock in the morning through since the Russians began a 6 o'clock in the evening. itest series last August. Stumpf and presidentelect of the council, referred the suggestion to the park board. Ertl substituted for Mayor Robert Roemer, who attended the chamber of commerce's annual dinner.

Street Light Study Ninth ward Ald Robert J. NEW "roll-on" lawn fertilizer ends all guesswork 4 TC HEVJEST and FINEST Floor and Wall Covering! NOW is the time to consider replacing that old floor or wall covering with beautiful, modern, new Floor Covering and Wall Covering, Check over the bargain priced items below then stop in and let us help you redecorate your home. LINOLEUM TILE 1 Stumpf called for a study of street light needs in the Hanson plat, that area which lies south of E. Calumet street and roughly between S. Carpenter street and S.

Greenview street. The electrical inspector could make the survey, he said. The item was referred to the public safety committee. Civil Defense Director Robert Beltrone submitted a map of escape routes that his organization will use during evac- 9" 9' i Make vouf IT PAYS TO INVEST IN EASTER DINNER even more wonderful with CALIFORNIA mm QUALITY if It 4 AV2 ft. Wide pQ Congowall II HEAVYWEIGHT 9 or 12 Ff.

COMGOLEUM CHOOSE FROM As Low At Christian Brothers, Royal Host, Virginia Dart-Red, White, Pink, Widmers, Mogen David', Key Wines, Ruby Grape, Cream Nectar, Port, Blackberry, made by Mogen David Wine Corporation. 7(o)c vii ii PLANTRONS ROTO-SPREADER PACKAGE FEEDS LAWNS EVENLY, brings your lawn healthy fast! and 25 lb. packatn bmaw hndr ROTO 8PREADER with FREE nwUl handle. Economical -No wuU or 6ITer. PLANTRONS it concrntrttd Loniw lantinf.

fast acUnj ftitrof an iva lawn iraorac. richar auioavt Cemtaina chelated Iron, ooppar. Mine lot viul hctlthy arowth. Wattinc aajant panatraiaa awaa hatdaat aol. COVERAGE CHART Uw Aim o)Ot 11 va $259.95 COUNTER 1 I U5 Imported Wines Champagne Also Domestic Champagne Arrow, Hublein, Hiram Walker CORDIALS 0' at PLASTIC TOPPING Exceptional trades $im Cm lu tt 10 1 S.S

50' 10O iS lb. $ia7S 5,000 sq. ft. 90'xlOO Im STalla ble to Mf a iliesri plaecooomlcl5(llb. bat $16 Ji t-c on oil 21" TV Sets EASY TERMS 'S NER Kl SUESS TV RADIO 'Mi mm BEVERAGE MART Corner W.

Wis. Ave. Oneida Appleton 1 306 E. College Ave. 'IJoors Laid by la yd we I Are Laid Well' 410 W.

College Ave. Phone 3-2563 -r.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.